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Online Manual

Adding a User Account
Through Your Control Panel

Q. How would I add a user account?

A. Follow these step by step instructions.

  1. Login to your Control Panel
  2. Click on Add User
  3. Fill in the Form that shows up. Information for each field is below the screenshot.
    Click Here for a Larger Picture
Field Description
Full Name: Put Your Name. This will show up in the Site User List. You can put Capital and Lowercase Letters, Spaces, Underscores (_), hyphens (-), and Numbers
User Name This is your username. It will start as the first letter of your first name followed by your last name. You can include numbers, lowercase letters, periods (.), hyphens (-), and underscores (_). It must be 12 characters or less
Password: Your password needs to be at least 3 characters long. A good password is one that does not come from a dictionary, is at least 8 characters long and has at least one non-alphabetic character.
Max Allowed Disk Space This is the quota for that username. It is measured in megabytes. This includes all web pages, emails, and other files for that user.
Telnet/Shell Access

This will allow that username to login through SSH. You should only allow people you trust SSH access as they could destroy your website with a few keystrokes. SSH is needed to run command line programs. Some CGI scripts require command line programs to be run such as creating an index for a search engine. You can also copy files to other folders, rename files, and do a lot more through SSH.

Site Administrator This will allow that user to login to http://<>/siteadmin/. Only allow people you trust to become site administrators. They can remove user accounts as well as add and remove files for the root website of
Enable FrontPage User Web If enabled, this will allow that user to connect to http://<>/~<username>/ and modify their personal site. To modify itself, you need to use the username webmaster and the original password from your e-mail.
Secure POP3 (APOP) If enabled, this will allow that user to use Secure POP3. Please note that only a few e-mail client support it currently.
Email Aliases

These are e-mail aliases for that user. They will login with their username instead of their aliaes. This is useful if you want multiple e-mail addresses to go to one e-mail inbox. Put each alias on a line by itself as depicted in the screen shot.


Username: jsmith
Aliases: sales, info, orders, john.smith
All e-mail going to sales@<> will go to jsmith's inbox.

Catchall Accounts

To enable catchall, all you need to put is "@www.<>" on a line by itself as depicted in the screenshot above.

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